10th Annual HBCU Climate Change Conference


5 March 2025 - 9 March 2025


The tenth annual HBCU Climate Change Conference will take place March 5 to 9, 2025 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The purpose of the conference is to bring together HBCU faculty and students, researchers, climate professionals and environmental justice and coastal community residents impacted by toxic facilities and severe weather events related to climate change in order to bridge the gap between theory and the experiential realities of climate change. The conference will address issues related to climate justice, adaptation, community resilience, global climate issues, and other major climate change topics (i.e. transportation, energy sources, carbon emissions, green jobs/green economy, just transition, and community economic development).

Student abstracts are now being accepted for oral and poster presentations for the 2025 conference. Each year, student attendees have an opportunity to present their research as well as interact with environmental experts and community members experiencing environmental exposure and negative impacts of climate change.

Important Deadlines

December 15: Student Abstract Deadline