Fall Working Groups – Presentations


Note: If you notice errors about your presentation, or if your presentation is missing and you want it available here, please feel free to send an email with the necessary corrections. Thanks!

Monday, September 12 Morning Sessions

Aerosol Life Cycle




Monday, September 12 Afternoon Sessions

Midlatitude and Low Clouds (CLC)

Optical Properties and Radiative Forcing (ALC)


Tuesday, September 13 Morning Sessions

Deep Convection (CLC)

SOA Formation (ALC)

Spectral Radiation Closure (ALC)

Tuesday, September 13 Afternoon Sessions

Joint Plenary (All Working Groups)

Wednesday, September 14 Morning Sessions

Arctic Aerosol Cloud Interactions (CAPI)

Aerosol Life Cycle Plenary: Modeling and IOPs (ALC)

Boundary-Layer Mixing (CLC)

Ice Nucleation (CAPI)

Aerosol Life Cycle Plenary: VAPs and Datastreams (ALC)

ISDAC Modeling (CAPI)

Entrainment (CLC)

Thursday, September 15 Morning Sessions

Amazon (All Working Groups)

Thursday, September 15 Afternoon Sessions

Amazon continued (All Working Groups)

Friday, September 16 Morning Sessions

Aerosol Effects on Deep Convection (CAPI)