E-AERI calibration performance certification



Robert O. Knuteson — University of Wisconsin
Henry E. Revercomb — University of Wisconsin, Madison
David D. Turner — NOAA- Global Systems Laboratory
Denny John Hackel — University of Wisconsin
Joe K Taylor — University of Wisconsin, Madison

Nick Ciganovich — University of Wisconsin




The University of Wisconsin-Madison Space Science and Engineering Center (UW-SSEC) is certifying the calibration performance of a new generation of instruments for the measurement of the downwelling atmospheric infrared spectrum at the surface. The E-AERI instrument series is the commercial follow-on to the successful Atmospheric Emitted Radiance Interferometer (AERI), which was developed at UW-SSEC in the early 1990s with support from the U.S. Department of Energy Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program. This paper describes the E-AERI instrument specification, the UW-SSEC certification methodology, and examples of preliminary of results obtained to date. The E-AERI instrument is a commercially available product of ABB/Bomem of Quebec, Canada, using technology licensed by the UW-SSEC. The E-AERI meets the same specification as the original AERI instrument in a fully automated system for use in both research and operational profiling networks.