Data quality control for MC3E and selected case studies

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Steven A Rutledge — Colorado State University
Brenda Dolan — Colorado State University

Angela K Rowe — University of Wisconsin


Field Campaigns


Several methods for calculating specific differential phase (Kdp) from the DOE X-band radar network at the ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP) site are investigated. Kdp is of central use for rainfall estimation and hydrometeor identification algorithms, so it is critical that a reliable Kdp algorithm be selected. As part of this comparison method, Kdp is also computed from distrometer data collected during the Midlatitude Continental Convective Clouds Experiment (MC3E). Errors and biases in the estimation of differential reflectivity are also reported. Work has also been underway to compare so-called “hand unfolding” of the X-band radial velocity data against automated methods based on 3D VAR techniques. We will summarize these comparisons as well. Finally we will report on a selected case study from MC3E aimed at providing kinematic and hydrometeor fields for ARM model validation studies.