The ARSCL Record: Past, Present and Future

Poster PDF


Karen Lee Johnson — Brookhaven National Laboratory
David T. Troyan — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Meng Wang — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Michael Jensen — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Pavlos Kollias — Stony Brook University
Eugene E. Clothiaux — Pennsylvania State University


ARM Infrastructure


The Active Remote Sensing of Clouds (ARSCL) value-added product (VAP) transforms zenith-pointing Millimeter Cloud Radar (MMCR) observations, along with complimentary micropulse lidar and ceilometer observations, into more readily useful cloud boundaries and best-estimate radar moments. ARSCL processing for all times and sites with MMCR observations has now been completed. Soon ARM will begin processing observations from the upgraded MMCR, the Ka-band Zenith Radar (KAZR), using an all new and improved KAZR-ARSCL VAP. This poster presents some preliminary data quality analyses of the ARSCL product record and discusses possible plans for reprocessing and improving the existing ARSCL dataset. ARSCL reprocessing could, for example, provide additional data quality flags, refine the optimal radar mode selection algorithm, improve insect detection and create a dataset which adheres more closely to ARM data standards. The KAZR-ARSCL VAP will also be discussed along with the timeline for its implementation.

Lead PI

Karen Lee Johnson — Brookhaven National Laboratory