Radar simulator for validating a two-moment cloud microphysical model applied to TWP-ICE



Wojciech Grabowski — National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Sally A. McFarlane — U.S. Department of Energy
Hugh Clifton Morrison — University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Jennifer M. Comstock — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Aleksandra Ewa Kardas — Warsaw University
Szymon Piotr Malinowski — University of Warsaw




We present results of a cloud radar simulator coupled with the two-moment liquid and ice microphysics scheme of Morrison and Grabowski (2007, 2008a, 2008b, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences) and applied to two-dimensional cloud model (Dx = 1km) simulations of the Tropical Warm Pool-International Cloud Experiment (TWP-ICE). The simulator uses pre-computed look-up tables in which radar reflectivity and beam attenuation are calculated from the predicted temperature and hydrometeor number concentrations, mixing ratios, and in the case of ice, the predicted rime mass fraction (ratio of ice mass grown by riming and riming plus vapor diffusion). The observational data set used for validating the model is from the Jan 18–Feb 3, 2006 period of TWP-ICE, and the model set up is the same as the ARM TWP-ICE cloud model inter-comparison.