From EAST-AIRE to the ARM Mobile Facility deployment in China: an overview of data status

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Zhanqing Li — University of Maryland
Maureen C. Cribb — University of Maryland


Infrastructure & Outreach


As the most populated and fastest-developing country in the world, China is undergoing drastic changes in many respects, including changes to its environment and climate. Unraveling the impact of environmental changes on weather and climate requires a good knowledge and understanding of atmospheric aerosols and precursor gases and their interactions with key meteorological variables such as radiation, clouds, and precipitation. Towards meeting these goals, the East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols: an International Regional Experiment (EAST-AIRE) has collected radiation and aerosol data at two sites in China since its inception in the fall of 2004. The deployment of the ARM Mobile Facility at a third site during most of 2008 greatly expanded the scope of geophysical data obtained in China. This poster will summarize the datastreams available from all sites, as well as issues encountered along the way.