The Operational Ground-Based Retrieval Evaluation for Clouds (OGRE-CLOUDS) Framework

Poster PDF


Meng Wang — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Michael Jensen — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Pavlos Kollias — Stony Brook University


Microphysics (cloud, aerosol and/or precipitation)


The OGRE-CLOUDS framework project is a new effort within ARM to: 1) produce vertically resolved cloud and precipitation properties (with accompanying uncertainties) in the column above an ARM site under all cloud conditions with 2) the ability to implement new, conditional (i.e., applicable under specified cloud conditions) retrieval techniques and 3) a diagnostic package for comparison and evaluation of the new retrieval. 

The development activities will include:

1) The use of an improved version of the MICROBASE algorithm as the underlying background for the new framework. The current MICROBASE algorithm will be updated to fully integrate it into the ARM Data Integrator (ADI) framework, include regular unit testing, quantification of uncertainties, and improved modularity to facilitate testing of new algorithms, 2) implementation and testing of state-of-the art retrieval algorithms for ice clouds and drizzling clouds and 3) a pathway towards four diagnostic components including radiative closure using the ARM BBHRP framework, comparison to existing retrievals and in situ observations, and forward modeling of independent instrument observations.

 The poster summarizes the plans for the development of the OGRE-CLOUDS framework.