Absorbing Aerosol Measurements in the ARM AOS Suites



Connor J. Flynn — University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Allison C Aiken — Los Alamos National Laboratory
Brian D Ermold — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Anne Jefferson — NOAA- Earth System Research Laboratory
Evgueni Kassianov — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Gourihar Kulkarni — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Arthur J Sedlacek — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Gunnar I. Senum — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Timothy R. Shippert — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Stephen R. Springston — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Thomas B. Watson — Brookhaven National Laboratory


Absorbing aerosol


Title: Absorbing Aerosol Measurements in the ARM AOS Suites Efforts to reduce model uncertainties associated with aerosol interactions are hindered in large part by uncertainties in the measurement and attribution of absorbing aerosols. Absorption measurement confidence is limited by several issues including instrument sensitivity at levels relevant for ambient aerosols, modification of the aerosol by the measurement itself, and the lack of absorption standards reflective of ambient absorbing aerosols. ARM has several in situ measurements in the AOS suite with application to this difficult challenge. Here we present a survey of available ARM measurements related to absorbing aerosols. To represent the full scope of the uncertainty of this challenging aerosol property as measured by the AOS, we present: 1. Comparisons of measurements from collocated AOS suites (in Brazil and at SGP) 2. Comparisons of redundant measurements within an AOS suite (for example PSAP, CLAP, and/or TAP) 3. Comparisons of complementary measurements (absorption from filter versus absorption from extinction minus scattering) 4. Comparisons of alternative published treatments of the same initial measurement (Bond 1999, Ogren 2010, Virkkula 2010).