Comparison between co-located soil moisture measurements at the ARM SGP Central Facility

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Jenni Kyrouac — Argonne National Laboratory
Yuki Hamada — Argonne National Laboratory


ARM infrastructure


Soil moisture measurements from the SWATS 10cm probe, STAMP 5cm probe, and 2.5cm deep EBBR, and SEBS probes at the SGP Central Facility are compared for a year (March 2016 through February 2017) to check for consistency, range, and precipitation response. The SWATS, STAMP, and EBBR are al located on the “hill”, within a maintained grassland. The SEBS is located in the agricultural area of the CF. The SWATS had a decreased range (25-37%) in comparison to the other instrument systems. The EBBR had a decreased range as well (22.5-35.5%). The SEBS exhibited a larger range (18.5-40%) than the EBBR and SWATS. The STAMP exhibited the greatest range (4-43%). All exhibited similar trends, with the SEBS being somewhat different in magnitude of the trends because of its location. The four systems responded similarly to significant precipitation events.