Toward the Operational Ground-Based Retrieval Evaluation for Clouds (OGRE-CLOUDS) Framework

Poster PDF


Meng Wang — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Michael Jensen — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Pavlos Kollias — Stony Brook University
Chuanfeng Zhao — Beijing Normal University


Microphysics (cloud, aerosol and/or precipitation)


The OGRE-CLOUDS framework effort aims to: 1) produce vertically resolved cloud and precipitation properties (with accompanying uncertainties) in the column above an ARM site under all cloud conditions with 2) the ability to implement new, conditional (i.e., applicable under specified cloud conditions) retrieval techniques and 3) a diagnostic package for comparison and evaluation of the new retrieval. This poster summarizes the results from the first phase of the development plans of the OGRE-CLOUDS framework, an improved version of the MICROBASE algorithm, including:  1) full integration of the MICROBASE algorithm into the ARM Data Integrator (ADI) 2) and quantification of uncertainties of the cloud microphysical quantities using a perturbation method first applied through the ARM Quantifying Uncertainties in Cloud Retrievals (QUICR) focus group.