Plotting Tool Updates - ARM Data Quality Office

Poster PDF


Austin King — University of Oklahoma
Kenneth Kehoe — ARM Data Quality Office - University of Oklahoma - CIWRO
Corey Godine — University of Oklahoma
Alyssa Jordan Sockol — University of Oklahoma
Randy A. Peppler — University of Oklahoma
Adam Theisen — Argonne National Laboratory
Justin Monroe — University of Oklahoma


ARM infrastructure


The ARM Climate Research Facility collects data from over 400 instruments and Value Added Product (VAP), which results in a plethora of daily data files. The ARM Data Quality (DQ) Office, instrument mentors, and VAP translators are tasked with reviewing the bulk of this data. Reviews of this large amount of data is more manageable when utilizing web tools that efficiently visualize data values. These tools allow reviewers to quickly determine if a problem exists with the data and take the next steps needed to resolve the issue. In addition to data quality reviews, near time decisions about aircraft flights, balloon launches, or radar configurations are often made based on data collected from ARM instrumentation. Quick access to local atmospheric conditions via web tools enables decision makers to make informed decisions about the use of resources for next operational periods. Two historical workhorses of the DQ Office have been the DQ Plotbrowser and NCVweb interactive plotting utility. The DQ Plotbrowser was originally designed to display pre-generated thumbnails expandable to fully sized images to allow a quick view of the over 17 million current and historical images generated by DQ Office processing. A new DQ Plotbrowser, using powerful new web technologies, has been developed that enables intuitive image navigation and faster visualization speeds without the overhead requirement of pre-generating thumbnail images. DQ Office pre-generated images are typically composed of one day or one week of data. In order to view data with alternate time scales or different resolutions than the pre-generated images, the DQ Office, instrument mentors, and VAP translators utilize interactive web-plotting tools. NCVweb uses older web technologies and is currently being replaced with DQ Zoom, which allows for fast plotting of 1D and 2D data via an interactive web interface. This poster will highlight the improved tools used by the DQ Office, ARM infrastructure, and decision makers. As part of our presentation, we plan to interactively display the improved web tools to anyone interested in learning how these new tools could improve their interaction with ARM data.

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