Value-added products (VAPs) associated with the Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions (CAPI) working group

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James H. Mather — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Krista Gaustad — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Timothy R. Shippert — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
David D. Turner — NOAA- Global Systems Laboratory
Steven J. Ghan — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Sally A. McFarlane — U.S. Department of Energy
Yan Shi — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Chitra Sivaraman — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Infrastructure & Outreach


In this poster we will present an update on current value-added products (VAPs) and plans for future products associated with the Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions (CAPI) working group. With regards to current VAPs, we will present: (1) the status of the microwave radiometer retrieval of column water vapor and liquid water path (MWRRET); (2) recent updates and status of the retrieval of cloud optical depth for overcast clouds from the MFRSR; (3) plans and initial results for the development of a VAP to retrieve cloud condensation nuclei at cloud base using lidar data (CCNProf) and (4) results from the Radiatively Important Parameters Best Estimate (RIPBE) and initial runs of the broadband heating rate profile (BBHRP) using the RIPBE inputs. We will also discuss plans for future VAPs including updates to MWRRET for the new 3-channel microwave radiometers and proposed VAPs for planetary boundary-layer height, droplet number, and drizzle parameters.