3D tool supporting the FASTER multi-scale visualization and evaluation system

Poster PDF


Tami Fairless — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Michael Jensen — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Andrew M. Vogelmann — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Pavlos Kollias — Stony Brook University
Yangang Liu — Brookhaven National Laboratory
Wuyin Lin — Brookhaven National Laboratory


Cloud Properties


As part of the FAst-physics System TEstbed and Research (FASTER) project, a web-deployed 3D data visualization and analysis tool is being developed to fulfill the need for easy-to-use, dynamic interactivity with large volumes of 3D data at a range of scales. The JAVA/JOGL-based open-source application is designed for easy, platform-independent installation and single-click load of 3D-gridded netCDF data. The simplified graphical user interface allows the simultaneous visualizations of a 3D volume of points and a user-selected 2D data slice. Plots and value statistics are automatically updated on screen as the user interacts with the 3D volume or 2D data slice. A data extraction utility is included that enables the export of subsets of input data and output statistics to netCDF format. Further development plans include visualization and analysis tools for collocated data sets such as aircraft trajectories and integration with the FASTER web-based testbed. Poster presentation includes an interactive and real-time demonstration of the product using ARM scanning radar data. Product release is planned for 2012 for the FASTER and Atmospheric System Research community.