Development of a data set to explore properties of tropical convection and anvil cirrus

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Sally A. McFarlane — U.S. Department of Energy
Jennifer M. Comstock — Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Cloud Properties


Tropical convective clouds are important elements of the hydrological cycle and produce extensive cirrus anvils, which strongly affect the tropical radiative energy balance. In most current climate models, the optical properties of anvil cirrus are only weakly linked to the properties of the convective clouds that generate them. To improve simulations of the global water and energy cycles and accurately predict cloud radiative feedbacks, models need more realistic links between the relationships between the properties of convective clouds and the cirrus clouds they generate. We will present a data set developed by identifying and tracking tropical convective systems (and their associated anvils) in the tropical western Pacific using geostationary satellite observations. The database will also contain information on the macrophysical properties of the convective system (size, age, intensity) and microphysical properties of the associated anvil (water path, particle size). For systems that cross over the ARM sites, information on convective intensity (from C-Pol) and anvil properties (from MMCR/MPL) will also be obtained. Once the data set has been compiled, relationships between the properties of convection and cirrus clouds in the observations and those simulated by regional and global models can be examined to evaluate the model parameterizations.