Breakout Summary Report


ARM/ASR User and PI Meeting

13 - 17 March 2017

16 March 2017
1:45 PM - 3:45 PM
Jerome Fast

Breakout Description

The objectives of this breakout were to provide an overview of the status of the measurements collected during the HI-SCALE campaign as well as a presentation of preliminary analyses and findings.

Main Discussion

The objective of this breakout session was to provide an update to the community on the processing and analysis of data collected during the HI-SCALE campaign. 11 short talks were given by HI-SCALE investigators. The first talk by Jim Smith provided an overview of the Phase-2 surface measurements, including a discussion of new particle formation (NPF) events observed using particle phase and trace gas measurements from several Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometers (CIMS). Zhe Feng then described GOES and MODIS satellite products that are being developed that can be combined with SGP megasite and G-1 observations of clouds to better understand the properties of shallow clouds observed in the vicinity of the SGP site. Chongkai Kuang summarized the measurements from the ground SMPS and nano-SMPS instruments and showed changes in aerosol size distribution observed during several NPF events. Jian Wang showed some of the FIMS measurements and in the future he will focus on the spatial variation and vertical profile of aerosol size distribution. This includes determining whether NPF events occur aloft first and then are mixed to the surface, or visa versa. Fan Mei provided an overview of the G-1 data sets available in the ARM Data Archive as well as a preliminary analysis of CCN concentrations below and within clouds along with changes in the aerosol size distribution. Alyssa Matthews described a merged data set she is working on that will combine the AAF and guest instruments on a common time stamp that will facilitate scientific analyses of the HI-SCALE measurements. Joel Thornton described the CIMS instrument and presented examples of variations in isoprene and isoprene products observed in the vicinity of the SGP site. This included evidence of IEPOX chemistry contributing to in-cloud organic aerosols in droplet residuals. John Shilling described the Aerosol Mass Spectrometer (AMS) instrument and showed examples of aerosol heterogeneity during HI-SCALE, including variations in interstitial and cloud-borne aerosols. Alla Zelenyuk described the SPLAT single-particle measurements from both the airborne G-1 and ground deployment. This included particle class information that varied significantly from day to day and biomass burning sources contributing the majority of the aerosol loading on one day. Larry Berg described how the new Doppler Lidars deployed at the SGP supersite will be combined with the G-1 measurements to quantify the spatial variability in the vicinity of the SGP megasite. Finally, Jerome Fast presented a list of secondary data products currently being developed to support HI-SCALE scientific analyses.
The oral presentations were followed by a discussion session on other issues associated with data processing that are relevant for scientific data discovery. The oral presentations were skewed to those associated with aerosol measurements and future conference calls will focus on clouds and their coupling with land-surface processes as additional analyses are performed in the future.

Key Findings

HI-SCALE is a recent field campaign; therefore, there are only a few highlights that investigators have noted so far. For example, new particle formation was frequently observed in the vicinity of the SGP site, similar to the 2013 NPFS campaign. In contrast with the NPFS campaign, aircraft measurements provided information on the spatial extent of NPF and growth events and future analysis will determine whether NPF occurs near the surface or occurs aloft and small particles are subsequently mixed to the ground. The CIMS, AMS, and miniSPLAT data from the G-1 provide observations that may shed light on aqueous organic chemistry occurring in clouds. This type of information has been lacking in the past and it is important to understand this process and how it alters the budget of organic aerosols that subsequently affect CCN and aerosol optical properties.


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Future Plans

Future conference calls among HI-SCALE participants are planned to provide status updates on data made available to the ARM Data Archive as well as secondary products that are being developed. If there are scientists who wish to be added to the mailing list for future conference calls, please contact

Action Items

The deadline to deliver HI-SCALE data to the ARM Data Archive is approaching by the end of March, so the first priority for HI-SCALE investigators is to provide quality-assured data to the Archive.