Breakout Summary Report
ARM/ASR User and PI Meeting
19 - 23 March 2018
Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in Eastern North Atlantic (ACE-ENA)
19 March 2018
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Jian Wang
19 March 2018
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Jian Wang
Breakout Description
The session included a number of short presentations on ACE-ENA measurements/data status and early results, followed by group discussions on future plans.Main Discussion
The session started with a presentation by Jian Wang on the overview of both ACE-ENA IOPs, the conditions sampled, and early results on the contribution of entrained free tropospheric aerosol on boundary-layer CCN population. Jason Tomlinson from AAF gave an update on the ACE-ENA measurements and data. Rob Wood presented surface meteorology, aerosol, PBL structure, and cloud properties during both IOPs. Alex Laskin and Ryan Moffet showed early results on chemical imaging and spectromicroscopic analyses of particles collected during the 1st IOP. Allison Aiken talked about aerosol measurements at the ENA site and a supplementary site. Mark Miller presented early results on macroscale structure, mesoscale organization, and microphysics of clouds during summer seasons. Raymond Shaw gave an update on holographic measurements of cloud droplets during both IOPs. Catherine Naud showed the cloud properties under post-cold-frontal (PCF) conditions and those under non-PCF conditions, highlighting the impact of large-scale circulation on the low-level clouds. Zeen Zhu presented retrievals using dual-wavelength radar measurements, and Pavlos Kollias summarized shallow precipitation measurements using both vertical-pointing and scanning radars during both IOPs.The session continued with discussions on (1) Identifying flights and cases for focused analysis and model simulations/validation, and (2) development of an ACE-ENA overview paper.