Ongoing science efforts in Northern Alaska
21 March 2018
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Gijs de Boer
Breakout Description
This breakout was held to share and discuss ongoing science efforts in Northern Alaska integrating data sets from the NSA and OLI sites. It included a round of introductions between the 50+ participants, a series of science presentations, and a presentation by the ARM translator team. The presentations provided a wide-ranging set of perspectives, ranging from the individual particle level (Pratt) to cloud microphysics (Harrington, Garrett), to precipitation (Wood/L’Ecuyer) to cloud macrophysics (Maahn), and finally out to regional studies (Shupe, Cox).
Main Discussion
There was limited discussion around each of the eight presentations and the information presented. While the original agenda had 20-30 minutes of built-in discussion time, this time was converted to question/answer/discussion time associated with the individual presentations.
Key Findings
Each of the presentations (slides included) featured interesting science findings. The session offered opportunities for synthesis between these studies and others in the region. For example, fall velocity and crystal orientation findings from the MASC appeared to contradict those obtained from cloud radar and there was active discussion around this topic. Additionally, presentations debated the extent to which Oliktok Point saw clean (aerosol) conditions, and to which Barrow saw polluted (aerosol) conditions related to emissions from industry. Finally, there was discussion on the potential for more detailed evaluation of simulations using aspect-ratio-predicting microphysical schemes, using newly developed techniques from the scanning radars.
No direct issues identified, though additional insight into available and currently in-production VAPS for the region was expressed as a desired outcome.
None directly identified.
Future Plans
Given the diversification of high-latitude science within ASR, we anticipate that similar breakouts at future meetings will prove fruitful for encouraging further collaboration and synthesis.
Action Items
There were requests about additional focus on mixed-phase clouds and continued discussion on broadening the understanding gained from individual projects. The pathways to doing this are unclear, though there may be opportunities to hold future breakouts or workshops on the mixed-phase clouds. This is being discussed by a subset of investigators.