Breakout Summary Report


ARM/ASR User and PI Meeting

2 - 6 May 2016

AMSG Breakout (Invitation Only)
5 May 2016
1:45 PM - 4:00 PM
Allison McComiskey, Doug Sisterson

Breakout Description

The AMSG had two priority items to discuss and on which to make recommendations to ARM for aerosol measurement operations: 1) AOS/MAOS Siting Issues and 2) AOS Core Configuration and MAOS Operational Strategies. Several other agenda items were discussed including the Aerosol Inlet Comparison Experiment led by Chongai Kuang, guest instruments to support ARM AOS data, the need for an aerosol scientist to be part of the initial site evaluation team for AMF deployments or fixed-site installation, and a recommendation that an evaluation of neutralizer sources should be developed and reviewed by the AMSG.
Discussion and recommendations were provided to the ARM Technical Coordinator, as well as a list of future AMSG priority topics.

Main Discussion

After considering many siting issues, the AMSG concluded that the ENA AOS should not be relocated at this time. The largest local source interference is likely associated with the airport aircraft and local traffic. Being close to the source allows a better opportunity to develop and employ de-spiking algorithms and moving presents a different set of challenges such as maintaining regular attention to instruments from onsite technicians. New information input by the AOS community at various breakout sessions provided alternative perspectives for employing combinations of guest instruments and filterpack-based measurements that could potentially affect AOS core configurations. This feedback will be considered in AOS core configuration and MAOS operational strategies.