Breakout Summary Report


ARM/ASR User and PI Meeting

Aerosol Processes Working Group Session
26 June 2020
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Nicole Riemer, Jim Smith

Breakout Description

This breakout brought together the Aerosol Processes Working Group. The session started off with an introduction by Jim Smith. He presented an overview on current research areas in the working group and listed the past, current and near-future field campaigns.
We then had a 30-min period of “1-min madness” presentations by working group members based on their originally planned posters. In total, 28 presentations were made.
Next, the Aerosol Translator, John Shilling, gave a short overview of aerosol-related data products and value-added products (VAPs), the latter of which are higher-order data products that have been analyzed and processed to ease scientist’s use of ARM data. New available data products are the ACSM b-1, ozone b-1, CCN average and CCN spectra data streams as well as size distributions from Nano-SMPS, SMPS, UHSAS, and APS. Processing of SP2 data is ongoing. Aerosol optical properties and aerosol optical depth were mentioned as operational VAPs. New this year, and expected to come online in FY20/21, are the quality control aerosol optical depth VAP, the ACSM composition dependent collection efficiency VAP, the CCN Kappa VAP and the CCN vertical profile VAP. Plans for FY 2021 are to develop an AOD best-estimate and merged size distributions.
This was followed by breakout session summaries featuring the following breakout sessions: ARM Aerial instrumentation update and discussion (Fan Mei), Shortwave-absorbing aerosols and their interactions with the large-scale environment (Paquita Zuidema), Surface Atmosphere Integrated field Laboratory (SAIL) Campaign (Daniel Feldman), Aerosol and Cloud Experiments in the Eastern North Atlantic (Jian Wang), AMF3 Southeast United States Deployment (Chongai Kuang), and an update on the TRACER campaign (Chongai Kuang).

Main Discussion

We ended the meeting with a short discussion on the community input to the Aerosol Measurement Science Group regarding the design of aerosol measurement sampling strategies. This was a follow up on Allison McComiskey’s presentation from the Tuesday plenary. Allison explained in more detail the IOP mode of operation the envisioned interaction of the APWG and the AMSG. We also had a brief discussion on Aerosol Processes WG-relevant topical virtual sessions in the fall. A fall workshop is planned focusing on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) and on using observations and advanced statistical methods to constrain uncertainty in atmospheric model, and others are encouraged.

Key Findings

We received positive comments on the 1-min madness slides. Participants liked this format of presenting and receiving information about new research in the APWG, given that we could not have posters this year.







Future Plans


Action Items