Postdoctoral Researcher – Cloud Microphysics and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
13 March 2024 - 31 May 2024 Livermore National Laboratory is excited to offer an opportunity for a Postdoctoral Researcher to conduct research in cloud microphysics modeling and aerosol-cloud interactions in atmospheric simulations at large-eddy simulation scales. Research will entail model development in a new exascale atmospheric code to represent cloud microphysics in a Lagrangian framework and interactions between aerosol particles and clouds. Simulation results will be compared to observations and experimental data. You will work within a multidisciplinary team of scientists, engineers, programmers, and project managers to develop, implement, and apply these modeling capabilities in a state-of-the art atmospheric model with GPU parallelization, which will then be used to explore aerosol-cloud interactions in simulations of transport and dispersion and also cloud processes for climate science applications. This position is in the Atmospheric, Earth & Energy Division, Atmospheric Science Research and Applications Group.