31 Research Projects Selected for 2020 ASR Funding Awards

Published: 21 July 2020

DOE Logo with CloudsThe U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently announced funding of $19 million for 31 projects through DOE’s Atmospheric System Research (ASR) program.

The university-based projects will expand the fundamental understanding of Earth systems and improve Earth system models. They include a range of atmospheric science topics, including interactions between clouds and aerosols, atmospheric processes in the high northern and southern latitudes, the development of new atmospheric data products, and maximizing the scientific impact of ARM’s upcoming TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) campaign.

“Atmospheric processes leading to cloud formation and precipitation are notoriously complex and difficult to model accurately,” says Chris Fall, Director of the DOE’s Office of Science. “These studies, which combine observation and modeling, will be important steps toward more precise and predictive models on both regional and global scales.”

ASR recommended the 31 proposals of 87 full proposals submitted to DOE’s Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) DE-FOA-0002198. The ASR FOA was sponsored by the Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER) within the DOE’s Office of Science.

“We want to thank all the researchers who did the long, thoughtful work to submit proposals; we are happy to be able to support so many excellent proposals this year,” says ASR Program Manager Shaima Nasiri. “We also want to thank the 58 members of the scientific community who reviewed these proposals. Each contributed a significant amount of time and expertise throughout the peer-review process.”

Once Fiscal Year 2020 funding awards are finalized, principal investigators, project titles, abstracts, and team members will be added to the ASR projects web page.

Read the DOE Office of Science announcement.

Following are the 31 principal investigators and their recommended projects:

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This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, through the Biological and Environmental Research program as part of the Atmospheric System Research program.