In our line of work, discussing the weather is more than small talk—it’s at the core of who we are.
So far this summer, we’ve experienced intense heat and humidity here in the DC area, while triple-digit heat dome events are impacting our friends in the West. As we brace ourselves for what could be a formidable hurricane and wildfire season, let us remember that our research is crucial. It has significant implications for science, our nation, and the world.
Shaima and I sincerely appreciate your unwavering dedication and hard work in improving the science of atmospheric prediction.
Celebrating New ASR Projects
The summer has been bustling at ASR, and we know you and your research teams feel the same way. We are happy to announce 20 new research projects aimed at advancing the goals of ASR and the Department of Energy’s Office of Science. Read about the new projects here.
Selecting from a pool of exceptional proposals was no small feat, and we could only have succeeded with the efforts of our dedicated volunteer reviewers from the research community. We thank those who volunteered a substantial amount of their time to make this process both rewarding and challenging in the best way possible. We had some excellent reviewers this year, and we really appreciate your efforts.
Delivering declination letters this year was difficult—even heartbreaking—for us. We understand the effort behind every proposal and commend you all for your hard work. As usual, we had more proposals than money to support them, but this year brought some particularly difficult decisions.
Our newly awarded projects will tackle scientific challenges while welcoming new researchers, new institutions, and early-career scientists and enhancing diversity within the ASR community.
As we anticipate our next Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) this fall, it’s important to emphasize the role of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) observations. These should be integral to your proposals, including a thorough analysis of these observations. I also note that these may soon be known as “Notices of Funding Opportunity” (NOFOs). Write your own joke here.
In this ASR News edition, we’re excited to introduce a newly-released FOA: “Earth and Environmental Systems Science Research in the Southeastern U.S.” This announcement will provide $12 million in new research grants for ASR, Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling (EESM), and Environmental System Science (ESS) program science in the Southeast United States. Yes, this is an interdisciplinary FOA!
Pre-applications are required and due by 5 p.m. Eastern on September 19, 2024.
Staying Connected
A priority for us is keeping you informed. This monthly newsletter, alongside our working group messages and email updates, is designed to ensure that you are informed about ASR opportunities and DOE developments and learn more about your colleagues in the ASR community and their work.
We encourage you to invite your colleagues—particularly students and early-career scientists—to join our email lists and become part of the ASR community.
# # #Author: Jeff Stehr, ASR Program Manager, U.S. Department of Energy
This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, through the Biological and Environmental Research program as part of the Atmospheric System Research program.