New ASR Working Groups Announced

Published: 21 January 2017

Evgueni Kassianov presents his poster during an ARM/ASR Joint Meeting.
New working group chairs are coordinating with DOE program management to plan the upcoming ARM/ASR Joint User Facility and Principal Investigator Meeting, including plenary and poster sessions.
Beginning in 2017, the Atmospheric System Research (ASR) program is re-organizing from three working groups into four new groups. The focus remains on key cloud, aerosol, precipitation, dynamic, thermodynamic, and radiative transfer processes that have the potential to improve the accuracy of regional and global climate models. The goal of the re-organization is to make it easier to connect teams working on cloud, aerosol, land, and precipitation processes, as well as all of the relevant interactions, and improve models by focusing on specific regimes.
The new working groups are Aerosol Processes, Warm Boundary Layer Processes, High Latitude Processes, and Convective Processes. They replace the three working groups—Aerosol Life Cycle, Cloud Life Cycle, and Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions.
More information about the re-organization will be presented at the ARM/ASR Joint User and Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting, March 13 to 17, but the ASR program managers Ashley Williamson and Shaima Nasiri wanted to introduce the new working groups and their chairs before the meeting.
The new working group chairs are heavily involved in planning the Joint Meeting and may reach out to PIs and ARM users regarding breakout sessions and other working group items. The new chairs are:

  1. Aerosol Processes Working Group
  2. Warm Boundary Layer Processes Working Group
  3. Convective Processes Working Group
  4. High Latitude Processes Working Group
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This work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science, through the Biological and Environmental Research program as part of the Atmospheric System Research program.