Submit a Research Highlight


Tell us about your research! This form is designed to collect summary information about for high-level accomplishments and published journal articles of ASR research. Each ASR principal investigator (PI) is expected to submit at least one highlight per fiscal year.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the highlight administrators.

PI Contact Information

Limit two contacts; contributors will be visible in the journal reference.

Journal or Book Reference(s)

Limit five references. If you have not submitted the references, please add it now.

Area of Research

Working Group

Title of Highlight

There is a 95 character limit.

Supported By

Did you use the ARM user facility or data?


A sentence or two, accessible to the non-specialist audience, of the science accomplished.


A sentence or two, accessible to the non-specialist audience, of the “impact”. For a use-inspired science highlight, impact is typically a potential technological advancement, while the “impact” of a discovery science highlight might be to open up new frontiers of science or resolve a longstanding question.


A paragraph (~175 words that provides additional detail), hopefully still accessible to the non-specialist audience, but may be more technical if necessary.

Images (optional)

Only images in JPEG, BMP, GIF, or PNG can be accepted up to 10 Mb. The image caption is limited to 500 characters.

PowerPoint Slide

Please provide one-slide summary of this research. Accept ppt, pptx and pdf files. Max file size is 10Mb. Download this example.