2018 Joint ARM User Facility and ASR PI Meeting


The joint meeting of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facility users and Atmospheric System Research (ASR) principal investigators took place during the week of March 19 to 23, 2018, at the Sheraton Tysons Hotel in Tysons, Virginia. This meeting brought together over 250 ASR researchers and ARM Facility users and infrastructure members to review progress and plan future directions for ASR research and the ARM user facility.

General meeting sessions began on Monday, March 19, with topical breakout session meetings. Tuesday and Wednesday featured plenary sessions that include presentations by U.S. Department of Energy program managers, reports from ARM and ASR on research progress, scientific presentations by ASR principal investigators and ARM Facility users, and tutorial sessions on how to use the ARM Facility.


Attendees, the deadline to submit your summary reports, presentations, and posters has passed. Please contact us if you would like to still submit your work.

  • Breakout session summary reports serve as a record of discussion results from the session and are an important resource for the DOE program managers, as well as providing information about the science needs of ARM users to the ARM facility. Breakout session reports should provide a concise narrative, discussing key findings, decisions, issues, needs, and/or future plans and action items.
  • Plenary and breakout session presentations are important to share for those who could not attend and for those who want to review them again.
  • Posters can be searched for by abstract by name or abstract title.